Aspirations for all – The power of purpose
At Pewsey Vale school we prioritise knowing our students as individuals and this involves understanding their dreams and ambitions. Through the use of the Compass for Life programme students in all year groups are encouraged to identify their big dreams, goals and ambitions. They are given opportunities to explore options for their futures with the aim to raise aspirations for all.
We use the compass as a model for helping the students to develop the ethos and characteristics they will need, to plan their journey strategically and also helping them to develop physical and mental resilience strategies so they have the confidence to take action. This enables us to provide personalised guidance to help students achieve their full potential.
Throughout the year in addition to PSHRE lessons covering these themes, students will undertake year-group-specific, drop-down days.
Year 9 students will also all have one-to-one guidance interviews to help them in decision-making for the next steps.
Access to information:
Weekly careers guidance sent out in our Bulletin
The school website includes a dedicated area for students and an area for parents to access information about our careers provision at school, details about all of the post-16 options available and links to useful websites.
Any relevant information about upcoming career activities is shared with parents and students through the careers bulletin. For example, the ability to access virtual work experience, online speakers, virtual apprenticeships and open events.
We offer a career fair where all students in years 7-11 can access the fair throughout the school day, and their parents/guardians are invited to attend after school. Represented at this event are post-16 providers in the local area and some local employers.
Employers are invited to engage with the school and can access all information on the school website (the provider statement is found on the careers page). The website has a dedicated section for employers which gives details of the many ways that employers can offer their invaluable support to our careers programme. We also engage with the local Careers Hub and use our Enterprise Coordinator to share upcoming opportunities with employers throughout the network.
Pewsey Vale School Three-Year Destination Data Collection Plan
The impact of the careers programme is monitored and measured in a variety of ways:
Every year students are asked to reflect on their north star (big dreams, goals and ambitions) and these are recorded.
• Activities that students take part in are recorded using a tracking tool called Compass- this tracks the opportunities students have accessed for enrichment across the year.
• Stand-alone activities such as visits or guest speakers will be evaluated post-event by students completing a Survey Monkey survey. This allows informed choices to be made for future events.
• 1:1 interviews have notes recorded and these are attached to student records. Students are provided with a paper copy of any notes from the session.
• Intended destinations for year 11 students are tracked and recorded throughout the year. Early data capture allows support to be put in place for those students most at risk of becoming NEET.
The team:
Learning Journeys - Overview Document
Careers Education, Advice, Information and Guidance - Overview Document
The career of the week
Useful Links
Western Outreach Network (WON)
How 2 become – careers information
Swindon and Wiltshire higher futures
Tips and guidance to help prepare you for successfully starting your career
Under 16 Transport application form
Latest News
Swindon College - Latest News
Work Wiltshire - Latest News
Local Employers, Can you help?
If you can support us with delivering careers advice or supporting our annual careers fair please contact our Careers Manager, Miss Archdale.
Testing and profiling Links:
(useful for job and apprenticeship applications that require a psychometric test as part of the interview process)
Provider access policy statement:
Application for Provider Access
The careers policy has been reviewed in January 2023. The next review is to take place in July 2023. Website content has been reviewed in January 2023. This content will be regularly reviewed and updated.
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