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At Pewsey Vale School we expect our students to achieve highly and enjoy school within the context of a very supportive school environment. Our pastoral system underpins the success each student achieves as part of our school community. Every member of staff takes responsibility for the care and well-being of students within the school.

Our pastoral system has a horizontal structure with students separated into year groups for curriculum lessons as well as registration periods. Each student is a member of a tutor group where they are individually valued and supported by each other and by their form tutor.

Students meet with their tutors once during the school day; at the start of the school day. This is an important time as allows tutors to deal with any issues arising. Tutors have access to the academic and behaviour information for each student in their tutor group. This information is used daily to praise and reinforce behaviour expectations. Students who do well are rewarded, and students in need of extra support set agreed-on targets to improve. Our tutors work in partnership with parents and carers, keeping them informed and up to date. The form tutor should be the first point of contact for most questions raised by parents and carers.

We have a school nurse who visits regularly, to whom students are referred when a need is identified.


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