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Home learning is exceptionally beneficial and research shows, it can have a significantly positive impact on raising students’ attainment and resilience. Our ethos is that home learning should either embed what students have learned in their lessons or prepare them for knowledge that they are about to study.

Subsequently, we implement the following expectations.

Key Stage 3

There will be a weekly schedule for home learning (see below);

• It doesn’t matter if the students do not have this subject on that day; the teacher will automatically set the home learning task

• Students will have at least two days to complete it

• For terms 4 & 5, completion of the home learning will result in positive points being rewarded. There will be no direct sanction for failure to complete home learning; this will be introduced for term 6

• All home learning will be set on SIMS Engagement which will enable students and parents to see what is being set

Homework table

• Subject leaders will be responsible for ensuring the setting of home learning and this will be monitored by SLT

• Please note that feedback for completed home learning will be provided during lesson time but the work will not be officially marked


Key Stage 4

• There is an expectation that all subjects will set at least 30 minutes of home learning per subject per week

• This will usually be set during their lesson

• For terms 4 & 5, completion of the home learning will result in positive points being rewarded. There will be no direct sanction for failure to complete home learning; this will be introduced for term 6

• All home learning will be set on SIMS Engagement which will enable students and parents to see what is being set – this may take you to other links and platforms

• Subject leaders will be responsible for ensuring the setting of home learning and this will be monitored by SLT

• Please note that feedback for completed home learning will be provided during lesson time but the work will not be officially marked

We understand and anticipate that there will be some students, for instance if your child is under SENCO that may struggle with certain home learning tasks. The expectation is for the students to give each task set a try and if they would like some additional guidance we do offer a homework club which runs after school until 4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.

If you require assistance with SIMS engagement please use the following help guides –

SIMS support for students 

SIMS support for parents/carers 

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