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Student area:
Pewsey Vale School wants you to have a successful future! In order to achieve this, you will take part in the following activities during your time with us:

Year 7- create your Compass for Life map and identify your North Star
Year 7-11- annual Careers Fair where you will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of many local post-16 providers and employers.
Year 7-11- experiences with local employers and post-16 providers through a programme of speakers and visits.
Year 7-11- careers content taught through PSHRE lessons and explicit links made between your subjects and careers.
Year 7-11- opportunities highlighted in the weekly careers bulletin to take part in virtual work experience and workshops.
Year 7-11- apply for leadership roles within the school.
Year 7-11- watch and listen to the Career of the week presentation which is given fortnightly by tutors.
Year 7-9- drop down sessions for you to research careers and the labour market using Career Pilot.
Year 8-11- review North Stars and your Compass for Life journey.
Year 9- careers guidance interviews with a qualified and independent careers advisor.
Year 9- attend options evening to help you make an informed decision about your GCSE options.
Year 10- an opportunity to practice searching for and applying for a job, attending a mock interview and attending work experience.
Year 11- meet with post-16 providers before Open Events begin.
Year 11- opportunity to apply for a scholarship with Malborough College.
Year 11- students who are struggling to plan for their future will have the support of the school and local authority to ensure that they will not be NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) when they leave Pewsey Vale School.

Career Pilot https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/
National Careers Service https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/
Career Explorer https://www.careerexplorer.com/


Post 16 - Transport information for college and sixth form

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