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Parent, Teacher and Friends Association
At Pewsey Vale School, there is an active Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA).

The current PTFA committee comprises:
Chair – Hannah Eaves
Treasurer – Katie Read
Secretary – Kasia Lewis
Vice Chair – Hilary Dunstan
Events Coordinator – Emerson Smith
Communications – Chris Hood
supported by other parent volunteer members.

What does the PTFA do?
The PTFA provides closer links between home and school, bringing staff, parents and friends together in support of the school and its students.

Membership of the PTFA extends automatically to all parents of students and staff within the school and all are welcome to attend PTFA meetings.

The PTFA provides social events and supports school events for the home and school community and fundraises to provide enrichment for the students at the school. Events in recent years have included:

• Quiz nights
• Cookery evenings
• Refreshments at school events
• Organisation of Bags2School collections
• Foreign currency collection
• Community fundraising

which has led to PTFA funding of, for example,
• An outdoor shelter and outdoor furniture
• A table tennis table and equipment
• Year 11 Proms
• MyMaths subscriptions
• Cooking equipment

How to support the PTFA

The PTFA meets regularly throughout the school year and meeting dates are communicated through the school bulletin and messages from Parentmail. The PTFA committee welcome new members to join meetings with no obligation to become involved with the committee or organisation of events.
By welcoming new members, the PTFA will continue to thrive. Some reasons for getting involved with the PTFA might include
• To gain a sense of belonging to the school community
• To find out a little more about what is happening in the school
• To get to know some other parents and staff at the school
• To give something back to the school community
• To contribute ideas for fundraising and how funds raised should be spent

Over 4,300 shops and sites will donate to the Pewsey Vale School PTFA for FREE when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. This means that you can raise donations when buying from retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer and Argos as well as when you are purchasing insurance or utilities! This is an important source of income for the PTFA and we’d love as many parents, teachers and friends as possible to sign up.
Simply register at www.easyfundraising.org.uk, select ‘Pewsey Vale School’ as your cause, set your donation reminder and when you shop online you will be prompted to retailers that donate via easyfundraising.

Matched funding, or matched giving, is a way in which the PTFA can maximise its fundraising. Several employers pledge to match a sum of money relating to an amount an employee has raised or donated to a charity, such as the PTFA. It is understood that high street banks and building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are likely to do matched funding. If you think your employer offers matched funding and could pledge to the Pewsey Vale School PTFA then please get in touch.

To follow our efforts in real-time, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter
P.T.F.A. - Pewsey Vale School's Parent Teacher and Friend Association - Home | Facebook
Pewsey Vale School PTFA (@PvsPtfa) / Twitter
To get in touch with the PTFA please use the Facebook page or contact the school in the first instance.


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