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Pewsey Vale School were pleased to celebrate record breaking results this year.

Head Teacher, Neil Pritchard commented “I am delighted with this year’s results. The hard work that our students and staff have put in has paid dividend. The attainment measure for English & Maths combined is the highest that the school has ever achieved and I am proud of all of our students. Yet again, some of our students have achieved the top grades in the country where as others have performed well above their targets; they really have done well.

I am particularly pleased that our students have achieved the necessary results for them to progress on to their next destination. They are about to embark on the next stage in their learning journey, going to a variety of sixth form providers and employers including the highly coveted Marlborough College (who we have a scholarship partnership with) and Welbeck Defence Sixth Form College to name just a few.

Today, we can celebrate their successes and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours.”

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