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A very warm welcome and thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Pewsey Vale School.

How to apply for a place

Admissions to the school are coordinated by Wiltshire Council, and your application can be completed and submitted online. Parents and carers who wish to apply for a place here must apply online at https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/schools-learning-admissions-online.

All applicants will be sent letters from the LA informing them of the result of their application. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed by the school of their position on the reserve list.


Parents have a right of appeal to an independent panel against any decision made by or on behalf of the Admissions Authority as to the school which education is to be provided for their child.

All appeals will be heard in accordance with the timescales which have been determined and are explained in the School Admissions Appeals Code. Information about the appeal procedure will be provided where a place at one or more of the preferred schools has been refused. Parents should visit www.wiltshire.gov.uk or contact the Customer Services Team (01225 713010) to obtain an appeals form.

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