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We are pleased that you are expressing an interest in Pewsey Vale School and hope that the following provides you with as much information as possible in order for you to make an informed choice on choosing our school for your child.

If you require additional information, please use the contact form below or contact the school office directly on 01672 565000.

What can Pewsey Vale Offer?

Pewsey Vale provides a supportive and challenging learning environment where all students are empowered to succeed. We are passionate about ensuring that your child has access to the best opportunities which will help them achieve and prepare them for their future. Our school community works together to ensure that all students reach their full potential in their academic and personal development. to read more, click here

Wider School – A great range of Opportunities

  • Academic Focus – Every Child Makes Progress
  • We offer Targeted intervention for Year 11 students for the duration of their exam preparation year.
  • Year 9 options cater for the needs of each individual cohort.
  • Exam Preparation Sessions for Upper School
  • Daily Homework Club for Lower School
  • A variety of school clubs held during the school lunch break, to view the list please click here

Pastoral /SENCO & Other Support – Targeting the whole child

  • There is good provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities so that they make good progress from their starting points. (Ofsted, 2017) Further information available on our SENCO page.
  • We are a small and extremely supportive school which means that we get to know our students really well and can cater to their individual needs
  • We provide personal support for all
  • Support for students with parents in the Armed Forces, including regular Forces meet ups within school
  • We have a positive rewards system, students will receive rewards when they reach certain milestones on the reward system

We also have a Pastoral team within school that run both a welfare hub and reflection room. The sole responsibility of this team is to provide pastoral support to our students.

Additional support is also offered through tutors, house leads and mental health trained staff members. 

Visit Us

It is always a good idea to visit all the schools you and your child are considering as it provides you with a great opportunity to experience, first-hand, how each school is run and to meet the staff and students.

We, at Pewsey Vale School, would be delighted to welcome you and to show you how our school can be the perfect start to a learning and nurturing environment that will take your child on the academic road to success.

To arrange a visit, please either email our admin team or call our school office on 01672 565000.

Out of Catchment?

There is an increasing number of students applying to join us from outside of our catchment area. Students that have joined us from these areas have had a positive experience and have been welcomed into the school community by our students. We have a number of transport options for students out of catchment available. Please contact us for more information.

What do Alumni say?

“I took four A-levels and got an A in Law, an A in History an A* in Sociology and an A* in English Language. I’m going to the University of Manchester to study law. The teachers at Pewsey gave me confidence in myself. Pewsey for me broke the stereotype that school can’t be fun.”
Jade Raisey

“I am going to Winchester University to study Sports Science next year. Going to Pewsey allowed me to take a huge range of subjects and achieve high grades in all of them due to the hard work of the teachers. Taking such diverse subjects allowed me to be better prepared when making a decision on what I wanted to do in higher education”
Emma Mundy

Further Alumni is available to view here 


Click Here to Download PDF

How to apply for a place

Admissions to the school are coordinated by Wiltshire Council, and your application can be completed and submitted online. Parents and carers who wish to apply for a place here must apply online at https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/schools-learning-admissions-online.

All applicants will be sent letters from the LA informing them of the result of their application. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed by the school of their position on the reserve list.


Parents have a right of appeal to an independent panel against any decision made by or on behalf of the Admissions Authority as to the school which education is to be provided for their child.

All appeals will be heard in accordance with the timescales which have been determined and are explained in the School Admissions Appeals Code. Information about the appeal procedure will be provided where a place at one or more of the preferred schools has been refused. Parents should visit www.wiltshire.gov.uk or contact the Customer Services Team (01225 713010) to obtain an appeals form.

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