We believe that our students’ appearance is very important and we expect them to dress smartly at all times.
Full details of what school uniform is required and the school’s uniform policy are detailed below.
Our school uniform suppliers are Price & Buckland and uniforms can be ordered online. The link to the website to place an order for your child is here
All Year Groups - Uniform Requirements
• Grey jacket – choice of a unisex jacket or a more fitted jacket
• Black tailored trousers (not stretch fashion trousers, leggings or jeans)
• Blue tartan kilt – students have the option to wear a skirt but it must be this one
• White shirt with collar – either long or short-sleeved
• Sapphire blue tie
• Black tights or socks
• Plain black polishable footwear
If you would like to enquire about second hand uniform, please contact our reception staff for more information. The team will be able to offer advice on the current stock and pricing - 01672 565000
All Year Groups - PE Kit
PE kit is also now available from Price & Buckland here. Students do not need to replace their existing PE kit as long as it is the black polo top with the Pewsey Vale school logo.
Compulsory Items – boys and girls
• Black PE polo shirt with the school logo on
• Black PE shorts, leggings or track pants
• PE trainers
• Football boots
• Black football socks
• Shin pads – it is advisable for your child to have a pair of shin pads for football sessions during PE.
Optional Items
• Plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms (no branding or logos)
• Plain black sweatshirt or quarter zip training top (no hoodies)
Clothing and Uniform
• All items of clothing and equipment must be clearly labelled with the student's name in order to facilitate an easy return of items to students. Any lost property will be kept in the main school office and we ask that students collect their belongings in a timely manner.
• Students should not wear items of non-uniform to school.
• Students may have the use of a locker to store their possessions – lockers can be rented from Independent Locker Solutions by clicking on the following link - https://www.ilsschools.co.uk/ The school cannot be held responsible for student's possessions if they are left unattended and they should never leave valuables or money in their bag or coat.
• Coloured T-shirts may not be worn underneath school shirts and white T-shirts or vests must not be visible.
Personal Grooming
• Make-up (if worn) must be discreet. Nail varnish should only be subtle eg clear, pale pink or french tips.
• Wristwatches and a plain pair of studs or sleeper earrings, one in each ear may be worn and a single necklace on a thin chain if worn for religious reasons.
• No body studs, nose studs, tongue studs, bars or ‘stretchers’ should be worn, except a single stud in each ear. Through the admission process, parents/carers make a commitment on behalf of their son/daughter to comply with the jewellery and uniform policy for the entire time that they are at the school. If students are intending to have a piercing over the summer holiday period, it should be carried out with sufficient time for the wound to stabilise so that plasters or additional studs do not need to be worn on the return to school. Such piercings should not be visible when the school uniform is conventionally worn.
• Haircuts should not have lines or patterns cut into hair. No unnatural hair colouring, rainbow colours or dip dyes. Long hair should be tied back for PE and for some other lessons such as science experiments or food.
All jewellery needs be removed for every PE lesson. We do not advise students to have new piercings during term time, they should be carried out with sufficient time for the wound to stabilise so that plasters or additional studs do not need to be worn during PE lessons. If an item cannot be removed due to any other circumstances, the piercing should then be taped and the responsibility will be placed on the parent/carer and pupil taking part in PE.
Mobile Phones
Pewsey Vale School accepts that parents/carers may wish for their children to carry mobile telephones on the journey to and from school in the interests of safety. The school has the following policy on mobile phones:
Lesson Equipment
Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for every lesson:
Blue/Black ballpoint pen (and a spare!), pencil, pencil eraser, pencil sharpener, coloured pencils/fine fibre tips; pair of compasses, 12”/30cm ruler, calculator, protractor, set square and rough notebook/jotter.
Tippex/Liquid Paper is not allowed in school and must not be used in any school work. Textbooks and specialised equipment will be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage.
Confiscated Items
Items of clothing, jewellery and other possessions which are considered to be inappropriate for school, such as mobile phones, personal music systems etc will be confiscated by staff and stored in a secure place. Depending on their nature, these items will be returned at the end of the day or made available for collection by parents/carers who will be advised accordingly. After a reasonable period of time, it may be necessary to dispose of unclaimed articles. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or theft of such items.
Help and Support
We have a selection of uniform samples in school for students to try on and gauge the correct sizes before ordering. For parents who have not got internet access, we will offer the opportunity to come and use our computers. If there are any families who feel that they will struggle financially with this, please contact the school and we will see if we can help.
If your child requires a locker, please read this letter regarding our locker system - Locker letter 2024-2025
Wilcot Road,
T 01672 565000
E admin@pewsey-vale.wilts.sch.uk