We strongly believe in a teamwork approach within a school/home community. First and foremost, we believe in quality first teaching & quality first pastoral Care. The term ‘quality first’ is taken from the SEND Code of Practice and means delivering the highest standards of teaching and pastoral care for all students, particularly those with identified SEND needs.
It is vital that students receive high-quality teaching in the classroom, together with appropriate support for identified students. It is also vital that tutors provide high-quality pastoral support for students with identified SEND needs. These teams all work together to support the overall progress of students.
The Learning Support team at Pewsey Vale School identifies students’ SEND needs and communicates this to the staff so that they can make learning accessible for all. The SEND team directly supports students with significant and persistent SEND needs, through additional specialist intervention, as appropriate.
Mr Tom Robinson is the Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for SENCO, Safeguarding and Systems. Mr Robinson has been the SENCo at Pewsey Vale School since 2019 however he has worked at Pewsey Vale since 2015 leading our Computing Subject Area. He has successfully completed the Master’s Level National SENCo Award Qualification and can be contacted via the SEND Single Point of Contact.
All schools and academies are required to publish information about their Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision. In Wiltshire, this information form part of a Local Offer and details about specialist schools and other agencies’ provision, will be found under a dedicated Local Offer.
Our SEND Policy is published annually or as statutory updates are required and is available here (SEND & Information Report Policy)
We offer a range of specialist provisions within the learning support department. We do provide additional provision options to the ones shown below as part of our “Bespoke Packages” that we offer to some students.
Our TAs support and help students with their educational and social development, both in and out of the classroom. In September they will support students with accessing learning in lessons and with familiarisation with their new surroundings and daily routines.
The ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) deliver individualised support programmes to meet the emotional needs of the students they work with. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.
Those students who are working at a lower level of literacy or numeracy than the rest of their peers may be offered extra sessions in these areas. The curriculum taught in these sessions is planned to complement the learning in English and Maths lessons giving students pre-learning in order for them to be confident with the content when it is provided in class.
For students with a My Support or EHC plan, we create a one-page profile for teaching staff with details of your child's learning needs. We can then develop the best teaching strategies to support them within the classroom environment.
Some students require a quieter environment for them to access during lunchtime. We ensure the Learning Support room is a quiet place, supervised by TAs where they can make new friends.
We offer a homework club Mon-Thurs after school where students can receive support with the completion of homework tasks.
We have a base for the learning support known as the “Rothschild Room”
Refurbished in 2020 the Rothchild Room provides a flexible range of facilities that can be used to support students with SEND needs.
The room is separated into a number of different spaces.
These include:
- A classroom space where group intervention sessions take place
- A quiet breakout room where students can work independently or 1-to-1
- A comfortable therapy space for Emotional Literacy Support with the facility to attend virtual appointments with external agencies such as CAMHS
- A computer workspace where students can learn how they can use technology to support their learning through access to Assistive Technologies
- Seating areas that can be used for Supervised Key Stage 3 lunch club
Clear lines of communication between the Learning Support team, students and parents will be essential to ensure success, especially during the transition phase.
In September your child will be allocated a Key Worker who will meet with your child regularly to discuss how they are getting on, address any anxieties or issues and act as the primary contact with parents.
The Learning Support department operates a single point of contact (SPOC) telephone line and email address:
This contact number can be used to:
- Book appointments with the SENCo
- Book student familiarisation sessions
- Discuss provision
- Discuss any concerns that parents or students have related to their SEND
- Contact allocated Key Workers
- Report safeguarding concerns
Wiltshire SEND Independant Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS) https://www.kids.org.uk/wisa
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council https://www.wiltshireparentcarercouncil.co.uk
Gov. uk SEND Pages https://www.gov.uk/topic/schools-colleges-childrens-services/special-educational-needs-disabilities
Independent Provider of SEND Advice https://www.ipsea.org.uk/
For details regarding autism assessment please visit HCRG's website: https://wiltshirechildrensservices.co.uk/our-services/waas/
For current Wiltshire assessment timescales we recommend that parents sign up to receive a copy of the WAAS e-mail newsletter which is sent out each month, please contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) via telephone or e-mail vcl.wiltshirespa@nhs.net with your details and preferred e-mail address.
Please note, all requests for information from the school are made directly from HCRG when they receive the assessment request from parents. Parents/Carers are not required to contact the SEND department to request such information themselves, at times parents can receive letters in advance of the school however early responses do not change the assessment window reported in the WAAS newsletter.
Wilcot Road,
T 01672 565000
E admin@pewsey-vale.wilts.sch.uk