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PSHRE Curriculum Statement

Core Values

Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values;


 Curriculum Map

Curriculum Intent

PSHRE at Pewsey Vale is covered across all aspects of the curriculum but is being taught explicitly in lessons across all year groups.  The clear aims are to help to prepare students for life in modern day Britain.  Developing all students as confident and self-assured learners, who will be able to make informed choices about their futures, recognising and celebrating their personal achievements along the way.  The programme will cover the new statutory relationships and sex education ensuring students knowhow to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. 

Students will work through a programme of learning (supported by the Compass for Life) which:

  • Promotes raising aspirations and allowing students to explore different study options and careers available to them,
  • Developing a range of skills to use in different contexts to enable them to identify milestones and set SMART targets to help them get there
  • Focusing on values-based education to also cover acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect 
  • Covering all aspects of confidence to take action, resilience and wellbeing. 

RE will be covered intrinsically within the programme with different key beliefs being covered in each year group.  This will cover the six major religions to provide opportunities to explore and improve understanding of different faiths and cultural diversity. 

We aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed and thrive in learning in and out of school, and strive to help every pupil to reach their full potential by encouraging and inspiring them with quality, fun and engaging lessons encouraging them to access learning about the wider world.  This will ensure that the core themes of living in the wider world, keeping healthy and relationships are comprehensively covered across the five years; with age appropriate learning opportunities.

Secure developments and achievements

Recording and tracking students’ super north stars (SNS) across the school to provide appropriate opportunities.

Build the skills in the curriculum to enable students to be successful in all curriculum subjects.

Ensure that we are meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers provision

We review opportunities available to all students to ensure they have access to a wide range of educational institutions and employers.

Promote active community involvement

Year 6 transition day

Year 5 taster day

Themed assemblies and tutor activities

Careers events

Future’s evening and updated webpage

Inspirational lecture series

Dropdown days with activities provided by school staff and where appropriate external agencies

Alumni page on the website

Promote relevant virtual work experience opportunities for students.



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