Curriculum Statement: Geography
Core Values
Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values;
Curriculum intent
The geography department’s vision is to encourage dynamic thinking and we strive to develop the minds and potential of both students and staff. We aim to work together as part of a team whilst shaping independent thinking on relevant up to date issues. The department promotes an awareness of other people’s attitude, equality and values that are connected to current events around the world in order to develop moral and social ways of thinking whilst making informed decisions. By using a wide range of teaching and learning strategies that challenge and stimulate the students we can prepare students to become confident, independent individuals in the future with a happy and purposeful atmosphere where every individual is recognised, appreciated and respected. We intend to raise student’s awareness of environmental challenges and our responsibilities as global citizens.
Secure developments and achievements…
- Students can track their own progress through the matrices that are explained at the beginning of the year and revisited regularly throughout the year
- A positive, encouraging atmosphere in the classroom aims to allow each student to reach their full potential in an inclusive manner in line with the Equality Act 2010
- Rewards and consequences are fairly awarded and students are fully aware of the boundaries and expectations within the classroom
Prepare students for “life beyond Pewsey Vale”
- The geography department has a sense of duty to prepare the student’s for the world around us and to instil a sense of wonder and curiosity for the planet
- To equip students with knowledge and understanding so they can step out with confidence to experience the world, following opportunities in whichever line of interest they choose
- The curriculum is balanced: social, economic and environmental geography is taught with an equal balance of human and physical geography
Promote active community involvement
- Promotes awareness of environmental issues in the world around us so that students can act on their own beliefs and be a part of a positive community
KS4 Curriculum Map
Curriculum implementation
Through transition
- To integrate fundamental geographical skills into the transition programme (via transition packs) so that students have a good foundational knowledge when beginning Year 7
Through nurture provision (Individual needs)
- Individual student’s needs are recognised and differentiated lessons are planned according to their needs
- Scaffolding, modelling and sentence structure guidance is provided to encourage confidence in literacy
- Grouping, buddies and seating plans are used to ensure that each student feels comfortable in the classroom and has optimum learning conditions
Through enrichment
- Each year groups will go on at least one fieldtrip per year, linking to their classroom learning to experience geography outside the classroom. These are often interlinked with Science
- The Cartographic Society leads an annual workshop with the Year 9s based on emergency humanitarian work and map skills
- The Year 10s take part in two full days of fieldwork (rivers and urban) which is mandatory for the Paper 3 Edexcel A GCSE exam.
Through teaching, learning & assessment
- Students are assessed in class once every half term, this level is recorded on a tracking sheet. The assessment is teacher marked and students then DIRT their work and acknowledge their feedback
- Literacy is tested throughout KS3 and KS4 with glossary tests, these take place at the beginning of each topic. It involves the students copying out key words and definitions into a glossary book and then revising them for a test, results are recorded on a tracking sheet. Learning lunches are requested for students who do not make expected progress
- An enquiry led approach is used throughout KS3 and 4, this aims to assist student’s understanding of investigation and empowers them to develop their analysis and evaluative skills
Through promoting literacy
Each subject has a copy of the school’s literacy strategy both in the front of the student’s books and also as a learning mat on desks. This is given to support the accurate use of subject specific spelling and correct use of grammar and punctuation. The subject specific word listed on each document are Tier 2 and Tier 3 language. The aim of this document is to provide learners with a format that is familiar, but developed for the lesson they are in at the time. Classrooms display Tier 2 and Tier 3 language for the specific topics being taught. Spellings of key words are corrected when work is deep marked. A literacy target is given. Both are addressed during DIRT sessions where learners are asked to improve their work in a dedicated section of any given lesson. Students are encouraged to read aloud in lessons and to grapple with difficult texts.
A glossary provided for each unit in geography Key Stage three and four.
Through homework
- Homework is given every week; 30 mins for Key Stage three and one hour for Key Stage four, this is flipped learning or consolidation of knowledge from class. This is recorded in student planners and on Teams.
Curriculum impact
The impact of the school’s curriculum is measured through several means:
- Outcomes for students at GCSE in Y11
- Uptake for GCSE courses
- Progress and attainment data for current year groups
- Engagement in enrichment activities
- Student voice