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Mrs Slater was very lucky to be able to attend a Computational Thinking and Coding Seminar in Olso, Norway at the end of March 2019. During this seminar she was able to connect with 30 other delegates from Scandinavia and other countries in Europe.

Each attendee wanted to develop the E-Twinning is part of the Erasmus programme. They wanted to start discussing project proposals where everyone came with an idea to support, challenge and excite their students back in their own classrooms.

The event was buzzing with teachers, sharing experiences, ideas and passions for our subjects and schools. Through lively conversation and debate, she has successfully connected Pewsey Vale School with two schools for separate projects.

The first will be with Pilehaveskolen, a Danish SEND School in Assens. Where our students will:

Design some combine coding
Complete audio recordings
Complete large fingerprint artworks to explore their own identity.
This cross-curricular project will allow students to be introduced to basic coding in creating a QR code linked to their work and a blog/website that they will create and control. The culmination of work will be exhibited simultaneously in both countries at the same time on Wednesday 12th June 2019, for one week.

We are truly looking forward to this exhibition, and future E-Twinning projects.

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